The El Gordo 'Sorteo Extraordinario de Navidad' is an annual lottery that takes place on December 22nd in Madrid, Spain. It is the biggest lottery in the world when measured by prize pool size. The estimated prize pool for this year's draw is currently €2.4 billion.
In Spain, each series of numbers between 00000 and 99999 has 170 complete sets sold. This makes up the large prize fund; however, at Lottoland, we only run one series of numbers for each available number. The main jackpot prize is known as "El Gordo" - a huge €4,000,000 payout!
At Lottoland, you can bet on the outcome of the draw and win the same prizes as if you had bought a ticket for the official draw.
To submit a bet for the El Gordo Christmas Lottery, please use the following steps:
Each ticket is made up of up to 100 shares, meaning you can buy a 1/100th single share of a ticket for €4.99 up to a full 1/1 share for €249.99.
For example: If a ticket number wins the "El Gordo" first prize, then the holder of a "full" ticket would win €4m. A player that holds only a single 1/100th share of that ticket would win 1/100th of the prize - €40,000.
The odds of winning the €4,000,000 jackpot are 1 in 100,000, far lower than on any other multimillion-pound jackpot draw.
The DoubleJackpot on the El Gordo Christmas Lottery allows you to bet for twice the official amount on the first three prize tiers for double the price of the bet. For instance, if you won the first prize tier having purchased a full bet share, your bet would cost €499.98 instead of €249.99, and instead of winning a €4m jackpot, you would win €8m.